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Preview of "Best" puzzle, pdf page 1 background
"A Quilt of a Country" Review 1 Q 2 E U N 3 R I 4 P 5 S E G R E G A T E N A M P D R 6 M I E L A O E T 7 N I N E - E L E V E N S I N L G T 8 P E R 9 I M P R O B A B L E E O I I L N D S E 10 I M M I G R A N T S ACROSS 5 What people do when they separate from others based on their backgrounds 7 The tragic event that is the reason the author wrote this article 9 Unlikely to work 10 These people work hard and their kids are successful DOWN 1 Author of "A Quilt of a Country" 2 People unite against this group during tragic times 3 Restating something that's already been said in literature 4 Repetition of words that create a pattern 6 Diverse 8 During tragedies, people have this feeling when they unite with each other
Preview of "Better" puzzle, pdf page 1
"A Quilt of a Country" Review 1 Q 2 E U N 3 R I 4 P 5 S E G R E G A T E N A M P D R 6 M I E L A O E T 7 N I N E - E L E V E N S I N L G T 8 P E R 9 I M P R O B A B L E E O I I L N D S E 10 I M M I G R A N T S ACROSS 5 What people do when they separate from others based on their backgrounds 7 The tragic event that is the reason the author wrote this article 9 Unlikely to work 10 These people work hard and their kids are successful DOWN 1 Author of "A Quilt of a Country" 2 People unite against this group during tragic times 3 Restating something that's already been said in literature 4 Repetition of words that create a pattern 6 Diverse 8 During tragedies, people have this feeling when they unite with each other
Approximate preview of "Good" puzzle, html page 1

"A Quilt of a Country" Review

 1 Q  2 E  U  N  3 R  I  4 P  5 S  E  G  R  E  G  A  T  E  N  A  M  P  D  R  6 M  I  E  L  A  O  E  T  7 N  I  N  E  -  E  L  E  V  E  N  S  I  N  L  G  T  8 P  E  R  9 I  M  P  R  O  B  A  B  L  E  E  O  I  I  L  N  D  S  E  10 I  M  M  I  G  R  A  N  T  S

  5 What people do when they separate from others based on their backgrounds  
  7 The tragic event that is the reason the author wrote this article  
  9 Unlikely to work  
  10 These people work hard and their kids are successful  
  1 Author of "A Quilt of a Country"  
  2 People unite against this group during tragic times  
  3 Restating something that's already been said in literature  
  4 Repetition of words that create a pattern  
  6 Diverse  
  8 During tragedies, people have this feeling when they unite with each other  
Crossword Puzzle Maker: Free HTML Puzzle Page 1 of 3 03/12/2025
Crossword Puzzle Maker: Free HTML Puzzle Page 2 of 3 03/12/2025
Crossword Puzzle Maker: Free HTML Puzzle Page 3 of 3 03/12/2025
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(An ink-saving plain puzzle is included as well.)
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