Our copyright notice applies to our Online Puzzle-Maker.com service.
As for the puzzles you create with our Online Puzzle Maker, you are free to use them in any way you wish, even commercially. Please give credit (e.g., "Puzzle made at puzzle-maker.com").
As a condition of using this online puzzle maker, your words and clues will help build a database of words and clues that will help other teachers and puzzle makers in the future. We might also be retaining, editing and reusing certain puzzles that are particularly well done.
We accept ads via Google and other ad networks so long as they are not confusing. Our customers expect to create a puzzle and to print it or download a PDF file of it from our website. Acceptable ads clearly and intuitively show that they are unrelated to the puzzle-making purpose of our website. This requirement is easy to meet when the content of the ad clearly identfies the company or product being advertised.
Such ads manifest a desire or willingness to deceive our customers, who want to start making a puzzle and interpret the button with that in mind. Such advertisements and advertisers may be banned.
We beleive that Google would agree that this is also in violation of the Google policy forbidding "Ads that mislead or trick the user into interacting with them" (Quoted from the "Misleading content" section of Google's AdWords Policy. We will therefore also report them to Goolge for review.